Use sawdust charcoal briquettes for an amazing eco-friendly BBQ party!

As people become increasingly eco-conscious, businesses are seeking sustainable alternatives. In the charcoal industry, eco-friendly charcoal offers a greener option. Specifically, sawdust charcoal briquettes stand out as a sustainable choice. In this blog, we’ll explore the impressive environmental benefits of this eco-friendly grilling fuel.

In this blog, let us discover the amazing environmental-friendly characteristics of this grilling charcoal.

Have you heard about sawdust charcoal briquettes?

There has been an upward trend in consuming sawdust charcoal briquettes for grilling. The primary ingredient to make sawdust charcoal is sawdust – the byproduct of woodwork production. That is one of the reasons why sawdust charcoal briquettes are considered eco-friendly charcoal!

From the organic combination of wood, bamboo… sawdust charcoal is made with little to no contamination, making it smokeless and odorless! But this is not the only preferable characteristic of sawdust charcoal briquettes! To read more amazing facts about sawdust briquettes, look at this best compressed charcoal!

PNP Charcoal - sawdust briquette charcoal
Sawdust charcoal releases very little smoke and odor.

How can we turn sawdust into charcoal?

So how can the organic crushed ingredients like wood, and bamboo… form into the shape of briquettes? There are a total of 6 steps to producing sawdust charcoal, starting from ensuring every ingredient: wood, bamboo, cork, etc. thinly planed and crushed.

After that, we need to mix the sawdust combination with binders carefully, shaping them into briquettes and burning them. The production process to make sawdust charcoal plays an important role in deciding the charcoal quality, therefore, every step must be conducted carefully. You can discover our sawdust charcoal process here!

To shape sawdust charcoal briquettes, we need the charcoal briquetting machine.

What makes sawdust charcoal briquettes environmentally friendly?

The various benefits of sawdust charcoal also bring about its environmentally friendly features. Let’s discover how it has become an eco-friendly alternative in the charcoal industry!

Repurpose industrial wastes and preserving wood.

Since the first step of its production process, sawdust charcoal has managed to prove its eco-friendly characteristics. To prepare the raw materials to make sawdust charcoal, we only need to collect sawdust – which is the waste from the wood production process. Taking advantage of this industrial waste will not only reduce industrial waste but also reduce the pressure of waste on the environment.

More importantly, by using sawdust charcoal briquettes as an eco-friendly alternative, we are reducing the amount of wood consumed to make charcoal. Doing this can help us preserve our forestation, avoid soil erosion, and protect our ecosystem.

PNP Charcoal - sawdust charcoal ingredients
We repurpose the wood industrial waste to make sawdust charcoal.

Reduce the emission of smoke and ash to the environment.

Thanks to the organic ingredients, sawdust charcoal is very dense and produces little to no smoke or ash while burning. As a result, this premium grilling charcoal will be able to reduce environmental pollution.

Discover more about sawdust briquettes and their benefits

Saving energy

How can sawdust charcoal briquettes save more energy compared to other charcoal types? It lies in the ability to distribute even heat as well as the intense heat it provides. With the strong, intense fire that can burn for long hours, sawdust charcoal helps us cook more efficiently, saving energy and money.

Sawdust charcoal briquettes can burn more efficiently.
Sawdust charcoal briquettes can burn more efficiently.

Sawdust charcoal demand and supply

With its various benefits and eco-friendly features, no wonder why sawdust charcoal briquettes are considered King Charcoal! This premium product is always in high demand in restaurants and charcoal wholesaling in a lot of countries, including the Middle East, Korea, Japan, Australia, etc.

Meanwhile, the charcoal production industry in Vietnam has developed strongly over the years. With the abundance of raw materials and high technology in producing charcoal, many Vietnamese charcoal suppliers can provide high-quality charcoal products to the foreign market. At PNP, multiples of sawdust charcoal containers are being shipped to our customers in many parts of the world, from Australia, UAE, Korea, Japan, and Singapore,…

Australian customers really enjoy PNP sawdust charcoal.
Australian customers really enjoy PNP sawdust charcoal.

Own eco-friendly, high-quality sawdust charcoal today with PNP Global Supply!

With many years of experience in not only charcoal supplying but also logistics procedures, PNP has been able to provide our premium-quality sawdust charcoal to many foreign customers and support their businesses. Aiming at a long-term relationship with our customers, PNP always guarantees to deliver products at a high quality and a stable quantity.

If you are curious about our charcoal products, we can give you free charcoal samples! Just leave us a message here and we will contact you as soon as possible! Trust PNP with all your charcoal needs!

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