Understanding the procedure to export sawdust charcoal from Vietnam

With the rising demand for sawdust charcoal for BBQ and heating, many international customers are looking to import sawdust charcoal from Vietnam. However, without a clear understanding of Vietnamese customs procedures, the process of exporting sawdust charcoal can be challenging.

If you’re facing difficulties with the complex export procedures, this article will guide you through the process. Below, you’ll find a detailed explanation of how sawdust charcoal is exported from Vietnam.

What is sawdust charcoal? 

Sawdust charcoal is one of the top grilling charcoal in the market due to its various benefits. Widely known for its long burning hours with consistent heat, this product is very popular in Australia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan,… These are the countries where BBQ becomes an important part of their cuisine and culture. 

Plus, sawdust charcoal originates from sawdust, which is the by-product of wood production. Along with its smokeless, ashless feature, no wonder why sawdust charcoal is considered an eco-friendly alternative. 

PNP Charcoal - specializing in export sawdust charcoal briquettes
Sawdust charcoal is widely preferred by global charcoal importers due to its various benefits.

Explore the benefits of sawdust charcoal today! Visit our product page to learn more about our high-quality sawdust charcoal and how it can enhance your grilling experience.

The demand for importing sawdust charcoal from Vietnam

As we have mentioned above, sawdust charcoal is widely preferred by grilling enthusiasts. On top of that, It is also used for heating indoors due to its ability to emit no smoke while burning. In PNP, sawdust charcoal is the product that most customers are interested in and frequently asked about. 

Many importers, when they have a demand for importing charcoal, only care about finding a charcoal supplier that can deliver the best price. However, that is not enough. You also need to understand the export procedure to easily keep track of your consignment, ensuring the charcoal gets to you on time. 

Sawdust charcoal is always in high demand due to its various benefits.

The difficulty in importing sawdust charcoal from Vietnam

As a foreign importer, learning the Vietnamese charcoal import-export procedure can be time-consuming and difficult. The language and cultural barrier, along with the difference in the legal system, limits the ability to fully understand Vietnamese customs procedures. 

More importantly, The Ministry of Industry and Commerce categorizes sawdust charcoal as dangerous goods, which requires stricter export conditions and procedures. To be more specific, the authority has strong regulations in terms of the charcoal exporter as well as the exported charcoal. 

Discover how to import sawdust charcoal

Discovering the export condition of sawdust charcoal 

As we have mentioned earlier, for sawdust charcoal to successfully go through the export process, not only the charcoal products but also the exporter needs to meet several requirements. 

In terms of exporting enterprises, they need to meet the following requirements to export charcoal: 

  • Enterprises must have a Business Registration Certificate which registers the coal business line. Plus, enterprises have to operate following the Enterprise Law.
  • Enterprises doing charcoal business must comply with a series of conditions regarding business locations, regional ports, export terminals, charcoal warehouses as well as means of transport according to Circular 14/2013/TT-BCT.
  • Enterprises must supply charcoal and related products that meet standards in terms of origin and quality.

Regarding exporting charcoal, they need to go through strict quality standards:  

  • Charcoal products must have a legal origin as regulated by Circular 14/2013/TT-BTC.
  • Charcoal products must meet quality standards or equivalent quality standards as specified in Appendix I accompanying Circular 15/2013/TT-BCT.

As you can see above, these export conditions prove the importance of finding a credible, experienced charcoal supplier that can provide high-quality, legal products. If you intend to import charcoal, PNP is your ideal supplier! Within our 7 years of experience, we can export a variety of charcoal types to many countries, maintaining a good partnership with many customers. Contact us via this link if you want a detailed consultation.

Keeping track of the charcoal customs procedure

Even though the exporter will be responsible for the customs procedures, customers also need to understand the customs procedure to find a good logistics unit or make sure the charcoal will be delivered on schedule. 

Step 1: Preparing customs documentation

Enterprises exporting sawdust charcoal are required to prepare all customs documentation, including: 

  • A copy of the customs declaration form according to the criteria specified in Form No. 02 in Appendix II accompanying Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC. However, if the customs declaration is in paper form, two original copies of the declaration form according to the HQ/2015/XK form in Appendix IV accompanying Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC must be declared and submitted.
  • A copy of the commercial invoice or equivalent valid documents for payment from the buyer.
  • A copy of documents showing the charcoal enterprise meets the requirements for exporting sawdust charcoal briquettes as stipulated by the laws and regulations for the first export consignment.
  • Authorized contract proving that the business meets the requirements for exporting sawdust charcoal briquettes as regulated by investment laws, with the confirmation of the authorized person entrusted by the issuing authority.

Step 2: Declaring information

The charcoal exporting enterprises have the responsibility to declare needed information according to the customs declarations at the customs office where the exported goods are gathered or at the customs office of the export border gate. 

Step 3: General Department of Customs’ inspection

Once enterprises submit the customs documents, the customs office will proceed to check the customs documentation based on the current laws and regulations. Only when enterprises meet all conditions and regulations of the General Department of Customs can the customs documentation be accepted.

Step 4: Customs Declaration

The General Department of Customs will declare the electronic custom documentation based on the following methods: 

  • Method 1: Accept the information notified in the customs documentation.
  • Method 2: Inspect the documentation enterprises need to submit or upload via the national single-window portal.
  • Method 3: Inspect the actual exported products following the customs documentation that the enterprise submits via the national single-window portal.

Step 5: Customs clearance

After inspecting the customs documentation/exported goods, the General Department of Customs will accept it if the enterprise fully meets the legal requirements.  

The ultimate guide for foreign sawdust charcoal importers to choose suppliers

It is undeniable that the Vietnamese export procedures for charcoal – a dangerous good – are quite complicated and time-consuming. Along with that, there are regulations in terms of charcoal exporters and exported goods. Therefore, PNP recommends importers choose charcoal suppliers carefully. 

Based on the above-mentioned regulations, these are the criteria that can help importers choose ideal charcoal suppliers: 

  • Charcoal exporters must be legal enterprises registering the coal business line and operating based on the Enterprise Law.
  • Enterprises should have standardized means of transportation and charcoal warehouses. We strongly advise you visit their factories to see how they produce and store charcoal.

It is very important to choose the right sawdust charcoal exporter from Vietnam.

  • Enterprises must supply charcoal products of legal origin and high quality. You should ask about their products’ origins carefully. Regarding product quality, you can ask for charcoal samples to give a careful product inspection.
  • Customers should choose charcoal suppliers experiencing in exporting charcoal and familiar with customs procedures. This will make sure they will be able to go through the customs procedures quickly, not affecting your business activities.

PNP – The ideal charcoal supplier with years of experience in exporting

If you are wondering where to find a charcoal supplier that meets all the criteria above, look no further! PNP is your final answer. With 7+ years of charcoal export experience, we can prove our image with premium quality and stable quantity. 

As a leading Charcoal Supplier and Charcoal Manufacturer in Vietnam, PNP Charcoal prides itself on delivering high-quality, eco-friendly charcoal products. Our extensive experience and global partnerships underscore our commitment to excellence. Whether you’re looking for premium coconut or sawdust briquettes, trust us to meet all your Charcoal in Vietnam needs with reliability and sustainability.

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