Why is sawdust charcoal considered the best compressed charcoal?

Many customers and charcoal suppliers consider sawdust briquette charcoal as the best type of compressed charcoal for its various benefits. Is sawdust briquette charcoal worth this title, or is it only being hyped by the charcoal market? Let’s find out about this topic with PNP in this blog post!

Sawdust briquette charcoal provides an incredibly long burning time

Thanks to the high level of sawdust density, our sawdust briquette charcoal can burn for a longer time, able to meet customers’ grilling demands. To be more specific, fire from sawdust charcoal can last for up to 6 hours! This is an impressive heating figure since most of the charcoal types can only burn for 2 – 3,5 hours.

By providing one of the best burning hours, this type of compressed charcoal allows customers to enjoy long BBQ nights outdoors or grill more efficiently in restaurants. This huge competitive advantage also contributes to the high demand for sawdust briquette charcoal. At PNP, our customers from UAE and Australia highly prefer this premium charcoal.

compressed charcoal
Sawdust charcoal can burn for up to 6 hours straight!

The high temperature and intense heat of this compressed charcoal

Along with an impressive, long burning time, sawdust charcoal can bring about intense heat at a high temperature. Usually, the ability to burn consistently for a long time results from the high caloric value of charcoal. For sawdust charcoal, the caloric value is up to 7900 Kcal/kg, showing its ability to burn steadily with high heat.

Besides, the heating performance of sawdust briquette charcoal is attributable to our choices of sawdust material. At PNP, we use hardwood sawdust in this production process to meet customers’ needs. When using PNP’s sawdust briquette charcoal, customers can cook more efficiently and fully utilize the ability of charcoal, thereby, saving a lot of energy and money!

Discover more about our sawdust charcoal and experience its superior quality today!

cook more efficiently with PNP sawdust charcoal
The intense heat of sawdust briquette charcoal helps cook more efficiently!

The 3 ‘’NO’’ in sawdust briquette charcoal – no smoke, no spark, no odor, less ash

With the full carbonization process, sawdust briquette charcoal is pressed hard under the condition of lacking oxygen. At PNP where each production step is conducted carefully, our final product emits little to no smoke, allowing our customers to join a wonderful BBQ night without bothering about smoke!

By using natural ingredients, PNP’s sawdust briquette charcoal gives no odor at all. This means no more annoying grilled meat odor on customers’ clothes! No wonder why many restaurants and normal users prefer to use sawdust charcoal for grilling.

Different from other charcoal types, when burning, sawdust charcoal gives no sparks at all. For people using sawdust charcoal to cook or grill, using charcoal that limits sparks is not only safer but also more convenient. They don’t have to worry about sparks getting on their bodies, creating burns while cooking anymore.

Finally, with sawdust briquette charcoal, cleaning grills has become easier than ever since this charcoal produces much less ash compared to other types of charcoal. At PNP, our sawdust charcoal only leaves a maximum of 3% smoke. If you are looking for a supplier providing high-quality sawdust charcoal, consider PNP Charcoal!

PNP Charcoal burning
Many wholesalers love sawdust charcoal due to its ‘’no smoke – no odor – less ash’’ feature.

Sawdust briquette charcoal – an eco-friendly compressed charcoal!

The list of sawdust charcoal’s benefits never seems to stop! Apart from long burning hours, and high, intense heat, sawdust briquette charcoal is very eco-friendly as well. This is because sawdust briquette charcoal is made from the by-product of wood production, reducing environmental waste. Plus, it emits less ash and smoke compared to other type of charcoal. On top of that, sawdust briquette charcoal can distribute heat evenly and burn for long hours with high heat, making cooking much more efficient!

Learn more about eco friendly charcoal briquettes

Where to supply the best sources of sawdust compressed charcoal?

Despite its various advantages, not all types of sawdust charcoal can provide all of the above-mentioned benefits. Since the performance of sawdust, or any other type of charcoal, depends a lot on the production process as well as the materials, each sawdust charcoal supplier can deliver a different type of sawdust charcoal with different quality.

Therefore, the best way to discover a reliable charcoal supplier is by visiting their factory and evaluating product samples firsthand! PNP Charcoal confidently delivers not only high-quality charcoal products but also reliable and dedicated service. Trust PNP Charcoal for all your charcoal needs!

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