
January 4, 2024
PNP Charcoal - sawdust charcoal briquettes

Sawdust charcoal briquette vs. Coconut charcoal briquette – which charcoal briquette to choose?

Coconut shells and sawdust are among the top choices for making charcoal briquettes. Yet, many customers struggle to distinguish between these two types. To assist you in selecting the right briquette charcoal for your needs, PNP will compare the key features of sawdust charcoal briquettes and coconut charcoal briquettes. Different raw materials  The charcoal names...
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compressed charcoal

The high sawdust charcoal demand in the international market

Over the years, charcoal has been an energy commodity in high consumption. However, the business of charcoal production has led to serious environmental problems, including deforestation and pollution. As a result, enterprises are actively looking for an eco-friendly alternative that is still able to burn effectively. And that’s how the sawdust charcoal demand begins to...
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